Chapter Forty-Two: Moving Vans and the Great Babysitting Scheme

"IKE! TAY! GUYS!!! Come here come here come here!" Zac yelled to his brothers the next day. The two gave each other a panicked look before turning off the N64 and running downstairs. They found Zac in the living room peering through the curtains and jumping around excitedly. "Look!" he cried, ushering them over to the window.

"God Zac," Taylor said. "What's so-"

"Whoa!" Isaac said, stepping up beside him. "Someone's moving in across the street!"

Taylor looked out and saw what his brothers had seen: three large moving vans, tons of furniture, and people scurrying around outside the house diagonal to theirs.

"I wonder who's moving in," he said.

"No idea," Isaac said. "I didn't even know it had sold."

"I didn't even know it was for sale!" Zac cried. Then the three headed out the door to find out more about their new neighbors.

"I," Zac said minutes later, "am in LOVE."

He gazed longingly at the girl sitting on the steps in front of the house. She looked about his age, and she was gorgeous. Her dark brown hair blew around her face in the breeze, and she held a peaceful and carefree expression on her face.

"She's cute Zac," Taylor agreed.

"Go talk to her man," Isaac said. "She looks lonely."

"Okay," Zac said. "Yeah, I'll go talk to her. That's what I'll do. Right now."

Five minutes later, he was still standing there.

"I can't move guys," he whispered.

"What?" the asked at the same time.

"I can't move. I'm too nervous," he explained. "The girl of my dreams is sitting across the street. What do I say to her? What if I look like a complete idiot?"

"Then she'll know exactly who you are!" Taylor said, grinning. "Just kidding," he said. "Do you want us to come with you?"

"NO," Zac said. "She might like you guys better."

"Oh, okay," Tay said, grinning at Isaac. He opened his mouth to say something else, but a shrill shriek from the backyard stopped him.

"That's Nic!" he cried, turning and breaking into a sprint to the backyard.

Sure enough, Nicole was running, shrieking, through the backyard towards Taylor, who was closely followed by Isaac and Zac.

"AAAAA!" she cried, throwing her arms around Taylor and tackling him to the ground. She kissed every inch of his face before resuming her shrill string of unintelligible words.

"NIC!" Taylor said, sitting up and clamping his hand over her mouth. "What's wrong?"

"I can go!" she yelled ecstatically. "My parents agreed. They called your parents, and they talked it over, and I'M GOING ON TOUR WITH YOU GUYS!!!"

"Ohmygod!" Taylor cried. "That's awesome!"

"You're coming with us?" Zac asked. "For the whole tour?"

"Yeah!" she said, giving him a hug as she stood up.

They talked about the tour a little while longer before Zac refocused his attention on the new girl across the street. She was still there, and his heart was going wild. He wanted to run over there, wrap his arms around her, and kiss her. Too bad he had never kissed anyone before, and had no idea how to do it right. The the idea hit him.

"NIC!" he cried. "Will you do me a favor?"

"Sure," she said. "What?"

"Introduce me to that girl," he said, pointing across the street.

"What girl? Oh, the one who's moving in the house beside my old house?" she asked.

"That's the one," he said, grinning at her. "Will ya?"

"Of course," she said. She linked her arm through his and dragged him halfway through the backyard.

"WAIT!" he yelled suddenly. "Better idea. You go find out everything you can about her and then tell me so I can introduce myself."

"Okay," Nicole said. She let go of his arm and made her way across the street.

She came back ten minutes later with a huge grin on her face. "You're not going to believe this Zac," she said.

"What what what?" he asked.

"Well, her name is Meredith, she's your age, and she's absolutely in love with you. All I did was tell her that one of my friends wanted to meet her - I didn't tell her it was THE Zac Hanson. But she started telling me about how the first thing she's going to do is go look for your house, and how cute you are and everything." She finished and caught her breath, grinning at him.

"OHMYGOD!!!!" Zac yelled. "She likes me, she likes me, she likes me likes me likes me!" he sang, dancing around the yard.

"And she still wants to meet my 'friend'," Nicole explained. "You ready?"

Zac looked back at her with a mixture of fear and anticipation in his eyes. This was the first moment of the rest of his life. "Mmmmhmm," he said, stepping forward. He followed Nicole across the yard and over to Meredith's house. She was no longer outside, and Nicole suggested that he rang the doorbell. He quickly pushed the button and jumped behind her, instinctively. "I'll surprize her," he said, trying to hide his eagerness.

The door opened and Meredith stepped out. Zac sucked his breath in with a gasp as Nicole spoke.

"Hey again," she said. "You know I told you about my friend?"

"Yeah," Meredith said, her voice ringing sweetly in Zac's ears.

"Well, here he is," Nicole said, stepping aside and revealing Zac. He smiled his best smile and offered his hand. "Hi," he said. "I'm Zac-"

"HANSON," she said, her eyes growing huge. "You're.....oh man....Nicole?" she asked, turning to her new friend.

"He's just as crazy about you as you are about him," Nicole said.

"Really?" Meredith asked in awe.

"Yeah," Zac said, speaking up for himself.

"You're like, the best singer ever," Meredith said, still in shock. "And the cutest."

"Thanks," he said. "You are too. I mean, you're cute. I've never heard you sing. But you're probably - AAAck! I sound like a moron!"

"No you don't," Meredith said. "So do you guys want to um, come inside?"

"I need to get back to Taylor," Nicole said, winking at Zac. "But I'll tell your mom where you are."

"Thanks Nic," he said greatfully, "for everything."

"No prob," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Then she turned and started walking back across the street.

"I can't believe Zac Hanson is at my house," Nicole heard Meredith say in shock as she closed the door behind Zac. Nicole giggled and shook her head in amusement. Then she headed back to the Hansons' house.

Chapter Forty-Three: A Cross Between Taylor, Isaac, and Donald Duck
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