Chapter Six: Rainy Days

"So what are you guys doing today?" Nicole said as she helped Taylor to make up his bed the next morning. Isaac was in the shower and Zac was running around the room in boxers, trying to find his yellow pants.

"We're performing at the mall," Taylor said. "Want to come?"

"Sure," she said. "I guess Ike and I will have to keep our hands off of each other, just in case Casey comes," she said with a grin. "You did tell him, right?"

"Yeah," Taylor said. "He totally understood, but I think he was a little dissappointed. He'll get over it though," he added.

"TA-DAH!" Zac screamed, jumping back into the room, wearing nothing but his yellow pants. "I found them! Ha ha ha!" he laughed, but then he looked confused again. "Man! Where's my black tee shirt?"

Nicole and Taylor just looked at him, shaking their heads and laughing. Nothing like Taylor to brighten your mood, Nicole thought.

"What?" she said aloud, not meaning to. But the boys hadn't seemed to hear her. Nicole was confused now, wondering why she had thought of Taylor when she meant to think of Zac. She shook her head, dismissing the thoughts.

"Hey Nicole!" Casey shrieked, spotting her friend coming onto the stage with the Hanson brothers. Nicole jumped down and took a deep breath before looking at Casey.

"Hey Case," she said, looking down again.

"So, you got to come with the guys?" Casey asked, not waiting for the obvious answer. "That's awesome. Isaac sure looks good today". Nicole looked up.

"Um, yeah, I guess he does," Nicole stated flatly. Then she shook herself, forcing her eyes to meet Casey's. "Hey, have you been to the new sports store that just opened here?" she asked.

"No," Casey said, "why?"

"Well, I heard that's where all the hot guys are hanging. Want to check it out?" Nicole asked eagerly.

"Sure!" Casey said, brightening at the thought of hot guys. Nicole didn't plan on snagging one for herself, but she was going to find someone for Casey. The sooner Casey stopped liking Isaac, the better.

"This is so weird," Isaac whispered into Nicole's ear after the concert, when they were hanging out behind the stage. "All during the concert, all I wanted to do was reach down and pull you up onstage with me, but then I would see Casey, sitting beside you. I don't even know her, but it seems like she's trying to ruin our relationship, without even knowing about it." Nicole took his hand, lacing her fingers through his.

"I promise that I'll tell her. Soon," she said. "I'm working on finding her another guy to replace you right now. But it doesn't seem to be working. You're just too irresistable, I guess," Nicole teased him. She leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Casey's mom is taking me home, so I guess I'll see you this afternoon."

"I'll call you," he said. She quickly turned and walked around the side of the stage. Isaac's fingers still tingled from where he had held her hand. "I hope she tells her soon," he said to himself.

Later that afternoon, it started to rain again. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac had come over to Nicole's house, and the three were trying to find something to do to entertain themselves. They had already played Nicole's ancient Nintendo, Monopoly, and now they were searching through her attic to find something new.

"Hey!" Zac exclaimed. "Look guys! Twister! We haven't played this in like eight years!" Isaac rolled his eyes in Nicole's direction, but she agreed with Zac.

"Yeah guys, come on!" she said. "Let's play Twister!" She tugged at Isaac's arm and Zac picked up the game. They all filed down the narrow stairs. Zac dropped the game box in the floor in the living room, and then began unfolding the mat. They decided that the person who was closest to the spinner would spin each time, so that they could all play. They took their places, and since Zac was closest to the spinner, he could spin first.

"Right hand, blue," he stated matter-of-factly. They played the game a few minutes before Isaac fell onto his side and was officially "out". He began to control the spinner from then on, and soon Zac fell out too.

"It's just you and me now," Taylor said, grinning slyly at Nicole.

"I hope you aren't a sore loser," Nicole said jokingly. Then she smiled at Isaac, signaling that they were ready to go on.

"Left foot, yellow," Zac read as Isaac spun the dial. After a few turns, Nicole was stuck in a back bend, her stomach facing the ceiling. One of Taylor's arms was across her neck, and she was struggling to stay above the mat. "Right foot, green," Zac read. Nicole crossed her foot under her other leg, and Taylor stepped over her, only centimeters above her. He shifted his body so that his face was directly above hers, and his hair hung down onto her face.

"Who did you say was going to win?" Taylor asked innocently. Nicole smiled up at him. She felt pretty weird about his position, and she wondered what Isaac was thinking at that moment, with his little brother almost sitting on top of his girlfriend. She craned her neck to look at him, and saw that he and Zac were laughing uproariously. That eased her a little bit. Then Isaac spun again, causing Taylor to step over Nicole once more, no longer on top of her. As he did, he lost his balance and crashed to the floor. Nicole fought to remain upright as she heard Taylor good-naturedly griping about losing.

Isaac stood and walked over behind Nicole, sliding his knees under her head and looking upside down at her. She grinned as he lowered his face to hers and met her lips in a heart-melting kiss. Then he helped her up, raising her right arm into the air.

"I present to your, our new Twister champion, Nicole Bauer!" he exclaimed, acting as if she had won a wrestling tournament or something. Zac began to run around the two of them, shouting congratulations. Taylor walked over and shook her hand.

"It was a close game," he said in mock-sadness, "but I guess you won fair and square. I'll get you next time though!"

"Oh you will, will you?" she asked him, playfully shoving him backwards. He was about to answer her, but the phone rang. It turned out to be their mother on the other line, telling them to come home for dinner. The four said their goodbyes, and Isaac promised to call her later that night. Nicole stepped out onto her front porch to kiss Isaac goodnight, not bothering to see if anyone could see them. It was already dark, so she figured that no one could tell anyways. She pressed her lips to Isaac's and he quickly responded. They were so lost in that moment that they didn't notice the squeaking of a bicycle's breaks as it passed Nicole's house.

Chapter Seven: Big Mistake
