Chapter Fourteen: The Birthday Surprize

"Nicole honey," her mother said later that evening, softly tapping on Nicole's door. "Can I come in please?"

"Sure mom," Nicole said, leaning back in the chair where she was sitting, typing up a homeschool assignment on the computer. Her mother entered the room, followed by her father too. "What's up guys?"

Her mother had a strange look on her face. She looked as if she were trying to be happy, but also covering something up at the same time. Her father ran a hand through his hair and smiled faintly.

"We have a birthday surprize for you," her mother said.

"But my birthday is nine days away," Nicole said.

"Well," her father said, "we wanted to go ahead and tell you this. Our law firm has finally decided to start up a new practice."

"Here?" Nicole asked. She had always dreamed of her parents having an office in town, so that they would be closer to home and not have to travel so much.

"Well," her father said, biting his lip, "about fifty miles from here. In Muskogee."

"Yeah," I went to a fair there one year with Taylor," Nicole said. "Isn't that a little far to drive every day?"

"Yes," her mother said, "it is. That's why we're going to move out there. Just for six months to a year. To get everything started. Then we'll commute; stay down there on the weekdays and stay here on the weekends. How does that sound?"

Nicole opened her mouth several times before making a small gasp. Her whole world had just come crashing down around her, and her parents were sitting here, smiling at her nervously, waiting for her to accept this. There was no way that she would.

"Wha---what---you want to move? To Muskogee? For six months to a year?"

"Yes dear," her father said. "How does that sound?"

"NO," she said strongly. "NO," she repeated, standing up and walking across the room. "NO way. I'm not moving."

"Honey," her mother said, "it's not a choice. We've already leased a house. We thought you would be happy."

"Happy?" Nicole asked incrediously. "You thought I would be happy to leave my friends, my boyfriend, the only people I've ever known, to move to another town, fifty miles away?"

"Well," her mother said, "Ike can drive. He could bring Taylor and Zac and all of your other friends up to see you as often as possible. And we'll move back to Tulsa before you know it."

"I do not believe this," Nicole said, sitting down on the bed and putting her head in her hands. When she looked back up at her parents, salty tears stung her eyes. "How long do we have left here?"

"We're moving the first week of July," her father said. Nicole began to cry harder, and her body was racked with sobs as her parents retreated from the room.

About a million thoughts were rushing through her head, but she could only think of one thing. What was she going to tell Isaac. Of course he wouldn't break up with her, but being so far apart would definitely strain the relationship. And she couldn't imagine going even a few days without Taylor's companionship. Soon she fell asleep, all of these horrible thoughts still going around in her head.

The next day, Nicole woke up , showered, and got dressed, preparing to go over to Isaac's house and tell him what was going to happen in less than two weeks. Some birthday surprize. This would probably be the worst birthday ever.

She pulled on a red velvet long-sleeved top and wide-leg jeans, and applied a minimal amount of make-up, promising herself not to cry. She laced up her hiking boots, and soon found herself on the Hanson's doorway. With a shaking finger she rang the doorbell, and was soon greeted by Taylor.

"Nic," he said, taking her by the elbow, "what's wrong?" Only Taylor could tell immediately that something was bothering Nicole.

"Where's Ike and Zac?" she asked, biting her lip. Taylor led her upstairs to their bedroom, where Isaac and Zac were lazily playing a racing game on the PlayStation. Taylor walked over and turned off the television and the game system.

"What the--," Isaac started, but the look in Taylor's eye silenced him. "Oh, hey Nic," he said, reaching up and taking her hand, pulling her to the floor.

"Nicole, for the second time," Taylor said, "what's wrong?"

" know my parents said that they had a surprize for me?" she said. "Well, they gave it to me last night."

"Cool!" Zac said. "What did you get?" His innocence killed her inside, and her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm.....I'm moving," she wailed. "To Muskogee. In three weeks. For a year."

"What?" Taylor said, almost falling off of the bed where he sat. Isaac's mouth dropped open, and Zac's eyes flooded and tears began to stream down his tanned cheeks.

"You're not moving," Zac said, wrapping his small arms around her. "You're not moving. You're not moving. I won't let you. You're not moving." He repeated this over and over, almost in a chant. Taylor stood up and hugged both of them.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered. "We'll come visit you as much as we can. Every week. Whenever it's possible." She knew he was trying to be strong for her sake, but his face was deathly pale, and his eyes looked as if he was about to burst into tears too.

Taylor took Zac's arms and pried him away from Nicole. Then the two of them left the room so that Isaac and Nicole could be alone.

"Isaac," she said quietly, "say something."

"I....I don't want you to.....why are you.....can't your parents.....I love you so much Nicole," Isaac said, his deep brown eyes glazing over with unshed tears. "I don't want to lose you." He pulled his knees to his chest and covered his face as he cried. Nicole began to absently play with a soft lock of his hair. When he looked up, his face was tear-stained and a deep shade of red.

"You aren't going to lose me Ike," she whispered, taking his hand and kissing his fingertips. He stretched out his legs and pulled her into his lap, and they cried and talked for what seemed like hours.

"I'm going to come and visit you every weekend, at least," Isaac said. "I'll try to come up sometimes during the week."

"And I'll come down here and stay with Matt sometimes," Nicole said, resting her head on his shoulder. "Why does this have to happen?" she asked, another tear rolling down her cheek.

"It's just a part of life, I guess," Isaac said, kissing away the tear. "At least you get to spend your birthday in Tulsa, right?" he asked, something flickering in his eye.

"Yeah, we're leaving a week from Monday," she said. "Hey---isn't that---"

"That's when we're leaving for Europe," Isaac said, finishing the sentence.

"We're not going to see each other for at least a month," Nicole said. "And then you guys will have more things to do when you get back....." She cut the sentence short with a sob and a fresh set of tears.

"We'll get through this somehow Nic," Isaac said.

Chapter Fifteen: The Party
