Chapter Nine: Purple Monkeys And The Truth

Over an hour later, Isaac emerged from the gray doors in the front of the waiting room, which lead to the emergency center. His eyes were red-rimmed, as Taylor's and Nicole's were, and he strided quickly over to where the two were sitting, awaiting news.

"Well," Isaac said, shaking his head, "Zac fractured his knee, but it wasn't bad enough to need surgery. He had seventeen stitches across his forehead and four on his cheek. But he's going to be okay," he added, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Taylor breathed a sigh of relief and Nicole embraced Isaac quickly. When she realized what she had done, she silently pulled back and gave Taylor a hug too. "We can go see him now," Isaac said.

Taylor and Nicole followed Ike through the doors and down a narrow hall, and finally they reached the small cubicle where Zac laid. A doctor in a white lab coat stood beside Zac's bed.

"He's under some medication for the pain," the doctor said, "but he's going to be fine." They thanked the doctor as he left the room. Then they turned to look at Zac.

Despite the deep purple bruises and stitching that covered his face, Zac was smiling broadly. Nicole walked toward him and took his small hand.

"How are you Zac?" she asked.

"Nic....hey Nic," Zac chanted to her, "look! Look over there! The monkies! Can you see the monkies?"

"What?" Taylor said, coming up beside his brother on the other side.

"The monkeys!" Zac repeated. "You see 'em Tay, don't-ya? They're purple and green. So pretty. Don't you see the monkeys?"

"Zac," Taylor said, putting his hand on his younger brother's shoulder, "there aren't any monkeys in the corner. Zac looked around, confused.

"OH....I see," Zac said. "There aren't any monkeys. They're KOALA BEARS!" he shouted happily. "Do you think mom will let me take one home?"

"Sure Zac," Isaac said, pasting a big smile on his face. "I'm sure she will. Maybe she'll let you have two!" He smiled quickly at his brother and then grabbed Taylor and Nicole by their shoulders. "It's the medicine," Isaac whispered. "Just play along."

They went through another half hour of koalas, giraffes, and even aliens before Mr. and Mrs. Hanson came rushing into the room.

"My poor, poor baby!" Mrs. Hanson exclaimed, hugging Zac tightly. "The doctor just called our house! Are you okay?"

"He's fine mom," Isaac said. "Did the doctor tell you what happened?"

"Yes he did," Mr. Hanson said sternly. "We're very dissappointed in you Zachary. Your mother warned you about that trick. But we're glad that you're okay."

"Daddy," Zac said solemnly, "can I have the blue giraffe? Can I please?"

"What the---," Mr. Hanson started.

"Don't ask," Isaac, Taylor and Nicole all said at the same time.

Later that night, Isaac was driving Taylor and Nicole to her house, where they were supposed to spend the night, under instructions from their parents. Nicole's parents were home, for once.

"None of this seems real," Taylor said. "I mean, one second we were skating, and now he's in the hospital."

"I know," Nicole said. "I just can't believe this happened. To Zac. It's unreal." She decided to change the subject. "So we're having another slumber party at my house, huh?"

"Yeah," Taylor said. "It won't be the same without Zac though."

"Nicole," Isaac spoke up, "if you want me to, I can stay at my house tonight. You know...."

"Don't you dare," Nicole said. "You're staying at my house." The three were silent for the rest of the ride. Finally they pulled up in her driveway. Nicole's parents were already in the bed, so they silently walked up the stairs. When they reached her room, Nicole shut the door and turned her radio on. Taylor laid on his stomach on the bed, and Isaac sat on the floor at the foot of it.

"So what do we do now?" Nicole asked.

"Let's play a game," Taylor said. "I know.....Truth or Dare!"

"It's too late for dares," Nicole said. "Let's just do truth."

"Okay," Taylor said. "Ike, you go first. Okay everybody, you have to tell the truth." Isaac thought for a moment before asking his question.

"Um, I don't know....who was your first kiss? Mine was Christy Parker. When I was twelve."

"Mine was Taylor," Nicole said, smiling at him. "Remember Tay?"

"Yeah," Taylor said, laughing. "when we were ten. We wanted to see what it was like. That was my first too. Okay, I'll go. Have you guys ever been in love? I haven't."

"Hmm....," Nicole said. "I don't think so."

"Me neither," Isaac said. They continued playing for a while, and soon they just began talking. And of course, they reached the subject of breaking up.

"I still don't see why you guys....nevermind," Taylor said. Isaac glared over at his brother. Taylor looked trapped, and he quickly stood.

"I'm going to get something to drink," he said.

"Me too," Isaac repeated.

"No, you aren't," Taylor said. Then he turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Isaac lowered his eyes to the floor, and Nicole played with a strand of her hair. Finally, they both spoke.

"Isaac, I....", Nicole said at the same time that Isaac said, "Uh, Nic......"

"You go first," he said.

"Okay," Nicole started. "I, I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for the way that I treated you. It wasn't your fault that Casey hates me. I know that now."

"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for, you know, not being there for you while you were upset. I should have been," Isaac said.

"Ike, you wanted to help me. But I wouldn't let you. I feel horrible about that," Nicole said, feeling her eyes begin to water. She reached out and took his hand. "Can you ever forgive me? Can this ever go back to the way that it used to be?"

"I already forgave you," Isaac said, pulling her close to him. "But do you mean it? Are you sure you want to give it another try? Because if you don't, I'm okay with--," he said, cut off by Nicole, who placed her finger on his lips, silencing him. He kissed her fingertip gently.

"Isaac Hanson, would you be willing to give it another try? Would you give me another chance?" she asked quietly. Isaac leaned over and kissed her softly on the nose.

"Let's take it slowly this time," he said. "If the feelings are still there, then I want nothing more than to be with you Nicole." They embraced for a few more minutes, finally reconciled. "Hey," Isaac whispered. "Where is Taylor?"

"I don't know," Nicole said curiously. "Let's go find him." They walked down the stairs, hand-in-hand, and found Taylor, sleeping on the couch. Nicole lightly tapped him on the arm and he lifted his head groggily.

"Wha....what?" he asked, looking at Nicole sleepily. Then he noticed that she and Isaac were holding hands, and his face lit up. "So are you guys....."

"Going to bed?" Nicole asked innocently. "Yes, we are. Goodnight Taylor."

"But....," Taylor began.

"Night Tay," Isaac said, laying down on the couch. Nicole snuggled up beside him, and Taylor started to laugh.

"You two amaze me, you know that?" he asked, but he was only greeted by their deep breathing as they both fell asleep. He rolled his eyes and turned onto his side, wondering if he would ever figure them out.

Chapter Ten: Across The Country
